Truth and Life Ministries
2020 Israel Tour

Join Pastor George and Cheryl Morrison and Pastor Scott and Janell Applegate on this life-changing trip to Israel. You will have the opportunity to walk where Jesus walked and see the land that Jesus called his home.
October 27 – November 7, 2020
9 nights/9 touring days in Israel… 12 days total with travel time
On this unique tour, you will have the opportunity to visit many sites which may include Capernaum, the Golan Heights, Mount of Beatitudes, Nazareth, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Jordan River, the City of David, the Western Wall, Caesaria, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea, the Garden Tomb and many more!
Planned Itinerary (Subject to Change):
10/27/20 – Depart USA for Israel
10/28/20 – Arrive into Israel. Dinner and overnight at Leonardo Art Hotel in Tel Aviv
10/29/20 – Jaffa; Caesarea; Mt. Carmel; Megiddo; Dinner and Overnight at Nof Ginosaur Hotel on the Sea of Galilee
10/30/20 – Boat Ride on Sea of Galilee; Ancient Jesus Boat; Mount of Beatitudes; Capernaum; St. Peter’s Fish Lunch; Peter’s Primacy; Tabgha; Dinner and Overnight at Nof Ginosaur Hotel on Sea of Galilee
10/31/20 – Magdala; Cana; Nazareth; Gideon’s Spring; Optional Jordan River Baptism; Dinner and Overnight at Nof Ginosaur Hotel on Sea of Galilee
11/1/20 – Caesarea Phillipi; Tel Dan; Katzrin Syrian Overlook; Military Memorials; Golan Heights; Dinner and Overnight at Nof Ginosaur Hotel on Sea of Galilee
11/2/20 – Bethlehem; Entry to Jerusalem; Model City; Dead Sea Scrolls; Dinner Overnight at Leonardo Hotel in Jerusalem
11/3/20 – City of David; Southern Steps; Western Wall Tunnel Tour; Jewish Quarter; King David’s Tomb; Upper Room; Dinner and Overnight at Leonardo Hotel in Jerusalem
11/4/20 – Temple Mount; Masada; Qumran; Dead Sea swim at Kaliya Beach; Dinner and Overnight at Leonardo Hotel in Jerusalem
11/5/20 – Mount of Olives; Dominus Flavit; Garden of Gethsemane; Pools of Bethesda; Via Dolorosa; Caiaphas’ House; Dinner and Overnight at Leonardo Hotel in Jerusalem
11/6/20 – Shiloh; Friends of Zion Museum; Yad VaShem Holocaust Museum; Caiaphas’ House; Farewell Dinner in Jerusalem; Head to Ben Gurion airport for flight home
11/7/20 – Return home to the U.S.
$4495 per person based on double occupancy for cash and checkf from JFK – New York on Delta, $4695 if paying with a credit card.
$4745 per person based on double occupancy for cash and check from Denver on United, $4935 if paying with a credit card.
There are a limited number of single rooms available for an additional $910 for cash and check, $955 if paying with a credit card.
This pricing includes round-trip airfare from NEW YORK CITY (you will be responsible for your domestic flight to/from the East Coast departure hub) or DENVER, hotel, bus and driver, guide, all meals, all tips and all entry fees.
Should you desire to book your own airfare, the land only price is $3075 for cash and check, $3230 if paying by credit card.
There is a $500 deposit due ($525 for credit card) at registration to hold your space. $150 of the deposit is non-refundable.

Please contact Truth and Liffe Ministries at 303.501.4354 or email at
with any questions.
$4495 per person for air/land double occupancy paying by cash or check (from New York)
$4695 per person for air/land double occupancy paying by credit card (from New York)
$4745 per person for air/land double occupancy paying by cash or check (from Denver)
$4935 per person for air/land double occupancy paying by credit card (from Denver)
$910 per person supplement for a single room if paying by cash or check
$955 per person supplement for a single room if paying by credit card
(you purchase your own airfare or use airline miles):
$3075 per person for land only, double occupancy, paying by cash or check
$3230 per person for land only, double occupancy, paying by credit card
$500 deposit ($525 if paying with card) due when application is submitted to reserve your space. Final payment is due by September 1, 2020. Please mail your deposit check made payable to “Truth and Life Ministries” as well as your application and photocopy of your passport to…
Truth and Life Ministries
PO Box 5368
Douglasville, GA 30154
You may also pay the deposit with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) by contacting Truth and Life Ministries with your card information at 303.501.4354, completing the card info on the application, or paying online at
Travel insurance is available but NOT INCLUDED in your tour price. Please visit to purchase a policy online.
Any deviation from the tour dates, name changes, rooming changes, etc…are potentially subject to amendment fees of up to several hundred dollars depending on the change.
Per Israeli policy, you may not enter the nation of Israel if your passport is due to expire within 6 months of the date of your departure from Israel. Regarding this trip, your passport must not expire prior to May 21, 2021. If you do not have a current passport, please apply for one immediately upon turning in your application.
If you are in a wheelchair or face physical challenges making it difficult for you to walk distances or up inclines/stairs, carry suitcases or the like, it will be necessary for you to provide a travel companion who can assist you in these activities. Please notify us at registration if you have any physical conditions that may affect you while traveling.
101 – 189 days prior to departure there is a $200 fee imposed per person
61 – 100 days prior to departure there is a $500 fee imposed per person
31 – 60 days prior to departure there is a 75% of land fee and 100% air fee imposed
0 – 30 days prior to departure there are no refunds
Pay Deposit & Travel Expenses
Please contact Truth & Life Ministries at 303.501.4354 or email at
with any questions.
Truth & Life Ministries
Building relationships between Christians and Jews here, in Israel and around the world.
- To educate believers to help them understand our biblical mandate to stand with Israel and the Jewish people
- Lead tours to Israel
- Lead specialized tours for pastors, leaders and business people
- Help pastors and churches to take their people to Israel
- To help churches with their Israel ministry
Psalm 122:6-7 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces.”
Genesis 12:1-3 “Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
Isaiah 62:6-7 “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, And give Him no rest till He establishes, And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”
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Truth and Life Ministries is a registered 501C3 non-profit ministry.